Craps is without a doubt one of the biggest and most popular gaming venues you'll find in any casino. While all table games in casinos generally have some wagering options, Craps has a lot more. For example, while all table games at most casinos have some sort of range for betting, Craps does not (although its biggest advantage is that it's free to bet on). Despite this vast wagering range, however, Craps isn't exactly a popular game at most casinos, and learning to play it online for cash is without question worth the time and effort.
Nowadays there are many different ways to play craps online for cash. You can do it with traditional bets (4, 5, 6, 8, etc), you can roll bets (number selection, highest hit, lowest hit, etc), or you can even bet on the outcome of flips of a coin. All of these methods can be useful, though it depends on your personality a bit whether you should opt for a method based on luck, or a method where your instinct tells you that the ball is about to flip in a certain direction.
Traditional bets are the easiest way to play craps on the internet. All you do is place a bet on the outcome of the flip of a coin, and if the coin comes out heads you win your bet. It's really that simple. However, if you'd like to try something a little more fun, you can choose to place bets on either sides of craps, as well as on specific cards (heads, queens, kings, diamonds, spades, etc) or even on specific "toggles" (special moves such as raising your hand, throwing down a card, etc).
Now, what if you want to mix both luck and skill in your bets? Well, this is where craps strategy comes in! Basically, you need to know how each die will come out before placing any bets, so you can place your bets accordingly. For instance, if you have a good chance of getting a "triple double" (three cards in a row), then it would pay out better if you placed three bets on a single side of the craps table, instead of placing one bet on each of the three rows alone. This will increase your chances significantly.
Of course, you can also choose to use dice when playing craps online. There are many different types of dice, including wooden, ceramic, plastic, and several other types. Some of these are weighted, some are not, and some have special symbols on them. These symbols are what determine how the outcome of your roll of the dice will be. Some of the most commonly used dice in casinos are blackjack and roulette, as they are both commonly used games in casinos.
Once you know which dice you're using, you should take note of how each of them will work. For instance, if you have ceramic dice, you should place 6 on the craps table in order to make a "double" (two cards). You should place 8 for "triples", because it will come-out with a "10" (the number after the first card). You should then remember that you can only get "triples" or "ten" for each hand of craps play, but not for "four" or "five". The best way to remember all of this is to remember that you should place the highest-ranking die on the table (the one that will come-out first) before you place 6 or 8 of any other type of die.